Avatar Loaning System

The Pickaxe Master
2 min readMar 30, 2024

Greetings for the Heart of the Mountain!

Today we have reached a long awaited and important milestone: The Avatar Loaning System

It’s been in the works for several months and finally it has been deployed and it’s ready to use! You can check it right now at: https://thepickaxemaster.io/clans/AvatarLoan

If you want to watch the Livestream where the Loan Avatar system was explained, you can find it here too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ftyt08vtRjs

What can you do in the Avatar Loaning System? Loan Market Area:

  • Rent Avatars.
  • Filter Active Orders.

My NFT Area:

  • Create Loan Orders (Set Amount of SAND, Duration in Days, Wallet address to Whitelist).
  • Cancel Loan Orders.
  • Claim Back Avatars.

Renting and Lending Avatars are one of the first Defi possibilities to open up on the Pickaxe Master ecosystem. — For the next 6 months Renting and Lending will have a 0% Fee.
Once Tokenomics are launched, Loan Fees will be plugged in and reverted back to the ecosystem.

Stay tuned for the next updates as the Rented Avatars will appear in the Clan Manager soon, meaning you’ll be able to invite members with a Rented Avatar to your Clan and have them to help you find fortune and glory!

Have a great weekend and good luck on the Misty Mountain!



The Pickaxe Master

The Pickaxe Master is a treasure mining game on the Sandbox metaverse.